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Dva záchranárske vrtuľníky boli dnes dopoludnia vyslané na letisko v Boleráze (okr. Trnava), kde došlo k pádu vetroňa z výšky približne 7 metrov. Vo vetroni sa nachádzali dve osoby, obe boli pri príchode záchranárov pri vedomí, komunikovali.
'Dnes ráno bola posádka Krištof 07 z Trenčína vyslaná k dopravnej nehode, ktorá sa stala na ceste medzi obcami Ostratice a Žabokreky nad Nitrou (okr. Partizánske). Pri čelnej zrážke dvoch osobných motorových vozidiel sa vážne zranili dve osoby.
Záchranársky vrtuľník z Popradu bol dnes krátko predpoludním vyslaný k dopravnej nehode, ktorá sa stala v obci Važec (okr. Liptovský Mikuláš). Pri náraze osobného motorového vozidla do pevnej prekážky utrpela 47-ročná spolujazdkyňa vážny úraz hlavy.
Helicopter Emergency Medical Service in Slovakia is operated by AIR-TRANSPORT EUROPE, Ltd (ATE) in seven operational centers on the basis of license issued by the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic. Air rescue service provided since 1991.
Find out moreThe company was established by physical entities in 1991 with primary objective to perform helicopter emergency medical service (EMS) in the Poprad region, namely in the High Tara Mountains. In the same year the company started to pursue activities in the field of special aerial Works (logging, liming, construction and assembly works and aerial Works in agriculture).
Find out moreWithin the aviation industry the company provides the following services:
Helicopter Emergency Medical Service in seven operational centers in Slovakia and one in Czech Republic. ATE has many years of experience in operating the Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS).
The Company also operates two Cessna Citation 550 Bravo jet plane for medical purposes. Top-of-the-range medical equipment are the guarantee of professional transport of patients.
Our top aircrafts in the business jet category that is able to meet individual needs of the most demanding clientele requesting fast and reliable transport on the highest level.
Helicopter maintenance and repairs, Organization is certified in compliance with Aviation Regulations, Part 145, Agusta, Bell Subdivisions, MIL Helicopters.
AIR - TRANSPORT EUROPE, Ltd. (ATE) is an established player on MIL Helicopter spare parts market, disposes many contacts with manufacturers and other overhaul facilities all around the world.
Air crew training in own flight training center. Request more information and quote at training@ate.sk.
Donor's Card of Helicopter Emergency Medical Service is a voluntary donor program run by ATE since 2003. The aim of this program is to introduce the public advantages and accessibility of Helicopter Emergency Medical Service in Slovakia, promote its opportunities and acquire resources for increasing the quality of helicopter rescue services.
Find out moreThe base was the first one opened on April 1, 1995, though the company had been performing rescue service in cooperation with the Poprad Hospital since 1991. Helicopter rescue crews usually perform missions in the challenging terrains of the High Tatras, Low Tatras, Belianske Tatras and the Slovak Paradise. Difficult and inaccessible terrains of this region more often require application of special means, e.g. hoist and winch.
Station headquarters: Poprad Airport
Phone: 18 155,
052 7763 444
Fax: 052 7881 603
E-mail: ate@ate.sk, lzs@ate.sk
On 1. January 2017, following the tender of Ministry of Health in Czech republic, began AIR – TRANSPORT EUROPE providing the rescue flights at the HEMS base Olomouc.
Station headquarters: EMS of Olomouc County
Hněvotínská 60
Olomouc 772 00
Česká Republika
Phone: +420 585 544 200, +420 585 223 693
E-mail: info@zzsol.cz
ATE has expanded its operations in the Czech Republic since January 1, 2021 with the HEMS of the Moravian-Silesian Region (Ostrava)
Station headquarters: Medical Rescue Service of the Moravian-Silesian Region
Výškovická 2995/40
700 30 Ostrava
Phone: +420 950 730 401
Fax: +420 596 789 397
E-mail: zzsmsk@zzsmsk.cz
The operational centre in Zilina was taken over by ATE on November 9, 2009 on the base of license granted by the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic.
Station headquarters: area of Teaching Hospital with Policlinic in Zilina
Phone: 18 155
Fax: 052 7881 603
E-mail: ate@ate.sk, lzsza@ate.sk
TE has been operating in the Trencin base since December 10, 2009.
Station headquarters: Trencin airport
Phone: 18 155
Fax: 052 7881 603
E-mail: ate@ate.sk, lzstn@ate.sk
ATE has re-opened the base in Bratislava on August 15, 2001. Most of the missions performed by the rescue crew in this operational centre are related to car accidents and secondary patient transports to/from the specialized health care centers within the Slovak Republic. The crew also performs repatriation flights for patients by the sanitary plane.
Phone: 18 155
Fax: 052 7881 603
E-mail: ate@ate.sk, lzsba@ate.sk
ATE has been operating HEMS base in Nitra since February 1, 2006. Rescue crews in Nitra perform primary rescue service and secondary patient transports in the southern part of Slovakia.
Station headquarters: area of airport at Nitra - Janikovce
Phone: 18 155
Fax: 052 7881 603
E-mail: ate@ate.sk, lzsnr@ate.sk
The operational center Banska Bystrica was opened along with the Bratislava base – on August 15, 2001. ATE crews from Banska Bystrica often help with accidents in the Low Tatras, Velka Fatra and Mala Fatra. In summer 2007 ATE opened a new modern HEMS base with a hangar in the area of Roosevelt Hospital in Banska Bystrica.
Station headquarters: area of Roosevelt Hospital in Banska Bystrica
Phone: 18 155
Fax: 052 7881 603
E-mail: ate@ate.sk, lzsbb@ate.sk
ATE has been providing technical background (helicopter, pilot, maintenance crew) and medical staff in the Košice HEMS base since 1990. Equipment and organizing were ensured by Emergency Service at Košice. ATE took over complete operation of the Košice base on January 1, 2006. Helicopter Rescue Crews in Kosice mostly provide neonatal and pediatric transports to specialized medical centers.
Station headquarters: area of L. Pasteur Teaching Hospital at Košice
Phone: 18 155
Fax: 052 7881 603
E-mail: ate@ate.sk, lzske@ate.sk